(calm music) (calm acoustic guitar music) - Our current practise for collecting evidence for the NCCD is essentially ongoing all through the year. So evidence in a classroom, a lot of it is based on observations and those are documented, so there's a lot of anecdotal observations and they're all documented in student files. Also, parent meetings, so where a teacher might discuss with a parent and they talk about a child having difficulty, that would all be documented. Also, other types of observations and test results, and they all go into a individual student file. Also, if the process where we intervene and students are assessed from outside specialists, those reports are kept in confidential file, in the office, that's locked, but that also forms part of the evidence and helps the teacher work out what to do in the classroom, what adjustments might need to be made. The evidence that we store depends on what type of evidence as to how it's stored, so general observations and parents meetings are kept in student files that are kept in a locked cabinet in each classroom, but it's so that it's accessible for the teacher to add to and build on over time. Then, there's confidential reports. That may psychologist reports or OT reports and things like that. They're actually kept in a locked cabinet in the office, so that they're quite secure 'cause those are confidential reports. If there are recommendationsin those reports, they will often be kept in the classroom because they're easily accessed by the teacher, but the body of the report is kept confidential. And we also go through student individual files and the confidential files, and review the evidence to make sure that the evidence is there and that it's valid for the 10 weeks as required. And we did up a little spreadsheet like this, which includes the child's name and date of birth, the main category of disability that we selected, the adjustment level, any diagnoses, but you can see that not every child has a diagnosis, what therapy they might have, documented concerns, the adjustments that are made, the assessments that are recorded, and some of those might be in their confidential file, some in the student file, the types of evidence that we have, largely observation notes,parent meetings, test results, IEPs, specialist reports, and then, this we've got the location of the evidence. And we did that for every student who is included in the NCCD. I think, basically, the process that we've followed for the NCCD this year, we will follow again next year. Probably, we will give ourselves a bit more time. We were very thorough in going through student files to make sure that the evidence was there, but I think we would like to allow ourselves a little bit more time to do that next time and a little bit more time to talk about it and discuss. (calm music)