[On another day, Mary telephones Serena who's playing with Patricia.] NARRATOR: Mary decides to call Serena to talk to her about Patricia's enrolment. SERENA: Count. (PHONE RINGS) SERENA: Drawing today. Hello? MARY: Oh, hi, Serena. How are you? Listen, we haven't received any paperwork from you yet. I was wondering if you and Patricia had made a decision about attending the centre next year? SERENA: No, not yet. My husband wants to wait another year. Patricia was really excited, but now she's nervous. MARY: Oh, that's no good. Is there anything I can do to ease Patricia's anxiety and help you make a decision? SERENA: Can we have another meeting that Patricia's father can come to? It would be really good if we could have it after Bob finishes work. MARY: Sure. That sounds like a good idea. I can go over all the details of how we operate the application process with you both, and show Patricia the different activities we do here. Some of them might really appeal to her and might help her feel more comfortable. And we can talk about what adjustments we might need to make if she starts here. SERENA: Oh, that does sound good. MARY: Great. SERENA: Now, our support worker usually helps us with what's best for Patricia. Can she come too? And maybe she could help us decide about some of those adjustments you've talked about. MARY: If you can give me your support worker's contact details, I'll invite her to our meeting. Is there anything else I can do to help? SERENA: I'll need some help. The enrolment forms are really confusing. I have a disability from a car accident I was in. MARY: Yes, the forms are detailed, aren't they? I can certainly help you with them at the meeting. When I contact your support worker I can give you...give her details of the information you need for the forms, then she can help you prepare for the meeting - would that be OK? SERENA: Oh, yes, thanks, that would be great.