[gentle music] - When the school talks about the NCCD, it's helpful to think about how the word disability is used. No one should feel overwhelmed by that word, disability. The school supports students with a disability or condition to make them feel equal and belong as the same as other students so they don't feel uncomfortable, and so that they're happy at the school. The school collects data of my children because they have anaphylaxis, and they have asthma, and other conditions. It helps the school in a way where they can monitor these resources for them, so they can just get extra help. For the collection of data, we're also gathering evidence to support students with high risk healthcare plans. This is crucial to know, especially within our practical components of our lessons that teachers are fully aware that these students may have such needs. We're making sure that communication is key amongst our staff, our families, and the students as well. An example of this would be our food tech teacher would get get in touch with a family prior to the lesson, and let them know that certain ingredients may be used, and if they'd like to provide any other arrangements to cater to their child's needs. Having the teacher call me is very important to me because it makes me feel at ease, and it makes them feel at ease. In my experience, I felt comfortable talking to the school because I think it would help my children, and it would help them. I believe if you talk about what your children have, any condition, whether it's asthma, allergies, maybe if a child's in a wheelchair, that it's okay to talk to the school about it so that they get the right help. You shouldn't feel overwhelmed by whatever condition your child should have, because you can get the right help. [music fading]