[cheerful gentle music] [upbeat music] - So we develop our professional knowledge around the NCCD, I guess, by using a range of resources. The biggest one and the most beneficial one for us is obviously the NCCD website. At the start of the year, we roll out quite a lot of professional learning to all of our teachers, I guess. The idea is that it's kind of like a tiered approach, so that there's a lot of support throughout the whole process. So if I'm unsure, as a classroom teacher, what level I need to make changes for my student on, I can talk to my supervisor. A wealth of knowledge there is really helpful to go to and have that help to know where to place our students. - So one way to ensure consistency and accountability for our teachers is to make sure that we use a tracking system. So within all teaching and learning programmes, we have a tracking sheet, where teachers will identify each of the students that they make an adjustment for, and then they'll categorise those into the four areas under the NCCD. This not only helps the teacher to ensure that they're keeping up to date with the adjustments, but I guess it's a really good tool for us to have as a school to make sure we've got that piece of evidence to prove that this is one thing that we do to make an accommodation to the child. At Briar Road, we moderate our data. What we like to do is ensure that we have as many eyes look at it as possible. So a lot of the time within the stage meetings, we have that really targeted time to talk about what adjustment needs to be made, and having that documentation there to make a really informed and consistent decision across the board. And then we'll take that back through the stage supervisor, funnel that back down into the team, and then hopefully that creates a bit more consistency within that same and for a particular student at any time.