[upbeat music] - The school supports my child to learn by giving him a relaxed environment to learn in and just giving him the support to do his best. The school tells me about my child's learning by talking to me all the time about it, every time that I'm here and answering any questions that I have, or any concerns. - Do you remember the last lesson we read this book, the adjustments that I make in my classroom happen every single lesson that I'm teaching, it could just look like sitting down with a child and just breaking down that instruction a little bit different, I have students that I made, have created visual timetables for, so that at their table they know exactly what's coming next, some students, they have to sit in small group work and we sit together and talk about the tasks that we're about to complete and the goal that I want them to achieve at the end. Although we make adjustments as teachers for our students in all of our class, I'm currently collecting data for NCCD on about half of the students in my classroom and making adjustments for them in particular to their individual needs, I share information with the parents in my class about NCCD by having an open door policy, parents feel really comfortable to come into the classroom to have conversations with the teachers at Briar Road. - The teacher has to cater for each child individually it's just, it's amazing how the teacher has to that and can do it and they're just so special people. [upbeat music]