Dayita is in Year 5 at a semi-rural school of approximately 200 students. Dayita was diagnosed in her early years with a genetic condition causing vision impairment. Her vision is expected to deteriorate over time.
Dayita is a motivated, hardworking student and is achieving at a sound level, or above, in all areas of the curriculum. Her strengths are in science and music. Dayita's friends include a small group of high achieving boys and girls from her year level. She requires the support of staff or peers to locate her friends at approximately three out of ten weekly break times.
It is difficult for Dayita to access and process visual information, including seeing the whole room or environment in one scan. She is not always able to distinguish facial expressions and small details in busy environments or pictures.
Accessing written information is also challenging when there is glare and/or poor contrast between the text and background colour. Without adjustments, Dayita struggles to copy information from the board and use the school computers.
Dayita's class teacher implements a range of commonly recommended teaching strategies for students with vision impairment, some of which benefit all students in the class. Dayita requires individualised instruction in some learning areas, and her teacher provides course materials in accessible formats. When completing assessment tasks, Dayita is given extra time.
Mr Short, a teacher specialising in vision impairment, visits the school once per term. As well as recommending specific adjustments, he has collaborated with Dayita, her parents and class teacher to trial the use of magnification devices and assistive technology, including a screen reader. Mr Short trained staff in the implementation of this technology.
An orientation and mobility instructor from an external agency is providing an ongoing program to support independence and safety when Dayita is moving through her environment, including the introduction of a long cane.
Dayita’s teacher directs the teacher aide to support a number of students (including Dayita) in class each day. Due to the success of the adjustments in place, Dayita now needs less support from the teacher aide, and her grades continue to improve.