In the Reflection phase, typically in Term 4, the school team evaluates the application of the NCCD model. They consider how school practices and processes could be improved to facilitate the next year's NCCD.
It is important to establish ongoing reflection and improvement as part of the NCCD process. Effective review of procedures and outcomes, with focused reflection on the strength of these, will enable schools to determine what they could improve on to be ready for the next planning phase.
As the NCCD process is part of the whole-school approach to personalised learning and support, it is important for the school team to facilitate feedback from all stakeholders and to provide opportunities for collaborative discussions about progress and future planning.
The school team should plan regular meetings throughout the year to review and reflect upon progress towards implementing the NCCD and to plan for whole school professional learning to support this. Some schools manage this through recurring whole school and cohort team meetings. At these meetings, staff review processes and plan next steps. Others schools organise fortnightly or short weekly sessions.
In addition, the school team should plan an annual review of the whole process. To facilitate the collection of detailed feedback, it may be useful to develop a framework of statements, such as those below, that can be used to:
- evaluate the process
- prompt discussions and
- consider strengths and potential gaps in knowledge prior to beginning the next year’s data collection process.
Key activities
These key activities may be undertaken by the principal or school team. The Reflection phase activities are recommended for the NCCD, but are not mandatory.
Case studies
These case studies demonstrate the application of the NCCD model through examples.
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