Rabeeta is in Year 5 in a combined primary and secondary school in a metropolitan area. She has been assessed as gifted by a psychologist. Rabeeta is a prolific reader and is well ahead of her peers in most subjects. In English and Mathematics, Rabeeta has been accelerated and attends lessons in the secondary school. She completes all other subjects with her peers in Year 5 with enrichment and extension activities. The school provides adjustments to allow Rabeeta to access academic extension. These adjustments are documented in a learning and support plan.
Rabeeta’s plan also describes adjustments due to disability. She has been diagnosed as having low vision and receives support with technology from Vision Australia on a needs basis, usually once per year, to ensure she has appropriate equipment. Rabeeta’s adjustments include using a computer with enlarged text and a text reader. Where lessons involve pen and paper, she uses low vision aids to magnify the text. Rabeeta is independent in her use of technology which has been provided through NDIS. While Rabeeta is independent with her academic work and mobility within the school, teachers monitor her to ensure she is safe and can access her work.
Rabeeta’s parents encourage her to actively participate in all aspects of school. She is a member of the school band and has learnt to play the keyboard by ear. She is a good swimmer, representing the school at the district level. Her parents maintain contact with her teachers through email and planning meetings each term.