NCCD case study e-learning for secondary schools
The NCCD case study e-learning resource intends to improve and consolidate understanding of the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD): its relationship to the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) (1992) and Disability Standards for Education (DSE) (2005). Further to this, it intends to assist teachers and schools to enhance their shared understanding of the NCCD levels of adjustment and categories of disability and improve the consistency of the professional judgements made in order to refine the accuracy of the data submitted to government by schools.
As part of this e-learn you will work your way through five case studies. You will be asked to read through the case study and respond to a series of questions to consolidate your understanding. You are not required to get all of the questions correct but will be required to read sections of correct information before progressing through the e-learn module.
This course is not mandatory but is designed to help you delve into the NCCD Model by using real life examples to give you confidence in your understanding. Throughout you will be provided links to further reading as needed and given feedback to help you identify pertinent information to make informed judgements.
Five case studies
Expected 2 hour completion
Work at your own pace.
Receive a certificate of completion
Each e-learn includes:
- a selection of case studies that provide genuine school based situations: engaging with the narrative of each case study and then, through a series of questions, making professional judgements about the most appropriate level of adjustment and category of disability for each case, based on the evidence embedded within each scenario.
- information and examples of best practice teacher decision-making strategies and school moderation processes.
- links to key content within the NCCD portal including levels of adjustment and category of disability tools, evidential requirements and, resources and information about the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) (1992) and the Disability Standards for Education (DSE) (2005) e-learns.
- reflective questions so you can demonstrate understanding of the NCCD and its relationship to the DDA (1992) and DSE (2005) including the identification of disability category and level of adjustment for specific case study scenarios.
- a certificate provided for the completion of the e- learn module.
This course addresses Standard descriptors 4.4.2 and 7.2.2 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
You need to register or sign in to access e-learning modules across the portal.
NCCD case study e-learning for secondary schools
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