Tyra's story
Tyra is a Year 6 student in a large mainstream metropolitan primary school....
Frank’s story
Frank is a 15-year-old boy with a diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy who has attended the same secondary school since the start of Year 8....
Hassan’s story
Hassan is 10 years old and recently arrived in Australia as a refugee from the Middle East. After experiencing years of conflict and the conditions in a refugee camp, there is a high risk of clinical depression and/or...
Oscar's story
Oscar is a 5-year-old boy who is in Year 1 at a rural primary school....
Jayden, Supplementary, Cognitive
Jayden has been diagnosed with a mild intellectual disability....
Aref, Substantial, Physical
Aref is a Year 11 student at a specialist secondary college that offers a high performance select entry sports program alongside the senior secondary curriculum. ...
Ebony, not included in the NCCD
Ebony is a Year 10 student who attends her local secondary school....
Fritz, not included in the NCCD
Fritz is a new student in Year 5 at a large primary school....
Marigold, Supplementary, Social/emotional
Marigold is a Year 10 student who lives with her family in a city....
Hassan, Supplementary, Social/emotional
Hassan is a 10-year-old student who recently arrived in Australia as a refugee from the Middle East....