Supplementary adjustments
Level of adjustment descriptor
Students with disability are provided with adjustments that are supplementary to the strategies and resources already available for all students within the school.
Adjustments occur for particular activities at specific times throughout the week and may include:
- adapted and additional instruction in some or many learning areas or specific activities
- personalised and explicit instruction to support one or more areas of communication
- planned health, personal care and/or safety support, in addition to active monitoring and supervision
- adjustments to enable access to learning may include:
- specialised technology
- support or close supervision to enable participation in activities or the playground.
- modifications or support to ensure full access to buildings and facilities.
Typical adjustment
Specific examples of adjustments at this level could include:
- adjustments to teaching and learning, such as:
- modified or tailored programs in some or many learning areas
- modified instruction using a structured task-analysis approach
- separate supervision or extra time to complete assessment tasks
- the provision of course materials in accessible forms
- programs or interventions to address the student’s social/emotional needs
- adjustments to enable access to learning, such as:
- the provision of intermittent specialist teacher support
- specialised technology
- modifications to ensure full access to buildings and facilities
- support or close supervision to participate in out-of-school activities or the playground
- provision of a support service that is provided by the education authority or sector, or that the school has sourced from an external agency.
Student characteristics
Students at this level often require support in accessing the curriculum at the appropriate year level (ie the outcomes and content of usual learning programs or courses).
Examples might include:
- students who have particular difficulty acquiring new concepts and skills outside a highly structured environment.
The needs of some students at this level may be related to their personal care, communication, safety, social interaction or mobility, or to physical access issues, any of which may limit their capacity to participate effectively in the full life of their school.
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