Disability Standards for Education for pre-service teachers
This course is designed to help you uphold your legal obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards). These obligations focus on providing fair access to education for students with disability.
As you will discover by doing this course, Australians with disability still face considerable barriers, many of which begin at school. Your positive attitude and actions towards students with disability can set a high standard for your whole community.
Choose from
five free lessons.
Lessons 1-3 30 mins each
Lessons 4-5 45 mins each
Work at your own pace.
Assessment and
Certificate of completion.
How will this course benefit my school?
There is robust evidence that schools that focus on teaching and learning quality have a significant impact on student achievement.
Knowledge of how to apply the DDA and the Standards are essential parts of this process.
What's in this course?
This course is divided into five lessons. A certificate of completion is awarded once all lessons have been completed.
You can complete the lessons and their topics at any time, as your progress will be recorded and saved automatically. If you exit the webpage, you can return and resume the course from the most recently accessed lesson or topic.
This course addresses focus areas 1.6, 4.4 and 7.2 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers.
You need to register or sign in to access e-learning modules across the portal.
Disability Standards for Education for pre-service teachers
Lesson 1 The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 Sign in to start
Lesson 2 Provisions of the Standards Sign in to start
Lesson 3 Making reasonable adjustments Sign in to start
Lesson 4 The Standards in practice Sign in to start
Lesson 5 Understanding the NCCD Sign in to start
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