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Consultation is a discussion held between multiple parties with the aim of sharing knowledge and opinions before making a decision....
What is disability?
A wide range of health and learning conditions meet the legal definition of ‘disability’. ...
Australian law
The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (the Standards) are Australian laws that protect the rights of students with disability. These laws aim to eliminate discrim...
Cooper’s story
Cooper is a 12-year-old Aboriginal boy with multiple diagnosed disabilities who attends a regional secondary school. He has limited access to disability and allied health services in the community. ...
Evelyn’s story
Evelyn is in Year 7 at a metropolitan secondary school. Evelyn moved from a small country town at the start of Year 7, as there was no local secondary school. ...
Isla's story
Isla is in Year 10 at a large metropolitan secondary school. She has been diagnosed with mild spina bifida and dyslexia, with a functional impact on her ability to physically handwrite. ...
Jane's story
Jane is a 6-year-old girl with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, a lifelong condition that affects movement and posture and is typically caused by damage to the brain before birth....
Harley’s story
Harley is a 6-year-old boy in Year 1 in a regional school in a large farming district. He has a diagnosed genetic condition known as Prader-Willi syndrome, which affects many parts of the body and often has associated...
Mohamad's story
Mohamad is 12 years old and in Year 6 at a small rural primary school. ...
Tyra's story
Tyra is a Year 6 student in a large mainstream metropolitan primary school....