What are my roles and responsibilities?
Learn more about your role in the NCCD
What is my role? Select the role below that best applies to you.
The school principal is responsible for facilitating the NCCD process and ensuring that all staff understand the NCCD process and the school's obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 This link will open in a new window.
For most schools, the principal will identify and nominate a school team to drive the NCCD process; for small schools, the NCCD might be facilitated by the principal or by a school leader nominated by the principal. The principal and the school team should communicate broadly with the school community about the NCCD process in terms of its purpose, legislative requirements and disclosure of information.
Key activities for the NCCD
These key activities are strongly recommended for the NCCD. Mandatory activities are marked.
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Establish the school team responsible for managing the NCCD process.
Establish the school team responsible for managing the NCCD process.
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Build understanding of the school’s legislative obligations and the NCCD.
Build understanding of the school’s legislative obligations and the NCCD.
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Review the current version of the NCCD guidelines.
Review the current version of the NCCD guidelines.
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Establish processes for the NCCD, including moderation processes.
Establish processes for the NCCD, including moderation processes.
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Communicate with parents, guardians and carers of students included in the NCCD.
Communicate with parents, guardians and carers of students included in the NCCD.
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Identify evidence of the level of adjustment provided for each student included in the NCCD and of the adjustment/s having been provided for a minimum of 10 weeks. (Mandatory)
Identify evidence of the level of adjustment provided for each student included in the NCCD and of the adjustment/s having been provided for a minimum of 10 weeks. (Mandatory)
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Identify the category of disability for each student included in the NCCD, informed by evidence that the student has a disability as defined in the DDA. (Mandatory)
Identify the category of disability for each student included in the NCCD, informed by evidence that the student has a disability as defined in the DDA. (Mandatory)
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Conduct a moderation process between teaching staff and between teaching staff and school leaders to ensure accuracy, consistency and reliability of the NCCD.
Conduct a moderation process between teaching staff and between teaching staff and school leaders to ensure accuracy, consistency and reliability of the NCCD.
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Verify and confirm NCCD data, backed by documented evidence. Finalise data collection and ensure appropriate records of evidence are stored for audit purposes. (Mandatory)
Verify and confirm NCCD data, backed by documented evidence. Finalise data collection and ensure appropriate records of evidence are stored for audit purposes. (Mandatory)
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Complete a reflection process and use data to inform practices across the school and make adjustments to school programs where necessary.
Complete a reflection process and use data to inform practices across the school and make adjustments to school programs where necessary.
Recommended next step
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The principal or school team will facilitate the provision of information about the NCCD to teachers. Professional learning may include courses about the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 This link will open in a new window to ensure teachers understand their obligations and responsibilities.
Teachers record adjustments they are providing for individual students as part of their general teaching practice. This information may include supporting data and other forms of evidence that align with the NCCD. Typically, teachers work with members of the school team to identify students' levels of adjustment and broad categories of disability, based on the data and evidence they have identified and maintained.
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Build their understanding of the school’s legislative obligations and the NCCD.
Build their understanding of the school’s legislative obligations and the NCCD.
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Apply the school’s record-keeping processes for evidence of levels of adjustment, disability and consultation.
Apply the school’s record-keeping processes for evidence of levels of adjustment, disability and consultation.
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Make initial judgements on levels of adjustment in collaboration with the school team.
Make initial judgements on levels of adjustment in collaboration with the school team.
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Participate in the identification of evidence to support validation processes.
Participate in the identification of evidence to support validation processes.
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Participate in school-based moderation processes.
Participate in school-based moderation processes.
Recommended next step
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The NCCD counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.
The NCCD has no direct impact on students. The school provides data to the government in such a way that no individual student is able to be identified. In this way, the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured.
Parents, guardians and carers may provide the school with information, specialists' letters, or other records to assist the school to understand the student's needs. This information can assist the school to accurately report the student’s inclusion in the NCCD by category and adjustment level.
If you have any questions about the NCCD please contact the school. The school is required to provide information about the NCCD to parents, guardians and carers.
The NCCD counts the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.
Decision-making in the NCCD is underpinned by evidence of adjustments. Medical practitioners' and allied health professionals' diagnoses of disability or other assessment information about a student’s disability may form part of the evidence identified for the NCCD.
Subject to parental permission, medical and allied health professionals can assist schools to meet their legislative requirements and obligations by providing information about how a student’s educational program might be adjusted to ensure a student is being provided with education on the same basis as their peers. This information can assist schools in accurately reporting a student’s inclusion in the NCCD by category and adjustment level.