Raqiya, Substantial, Sensory
Raqiya is a student in Year 6 who has been diagnosed with a mild hearing impairment....
Mitchell, Substantial, Social/emotional
This video shows a Year 9 student who would be placed in the Substantial category of the NCCD....
Jonathon, Supplementary, Cognitive
Jonathon is a Year 1 student who has an imputed cognitive disability....
John, Supplementary, Social/emotional
John is a prep aged student who has sensory processing issues. His mother does not want him to be referred to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services....
Michael, Supplementary, Cognitive
Michael is a Year 5 student who has a language disorder and anxiety....
James, Supplementary, Cognitive
James is a Year 1 student who requires further evaluation into his learning and communication difficulties....
Austin, Substantial, Social/emotional
Austin is a 15-year-old student who has been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ...
Evelyn, Supplementary, Social/emotional
Evelyn is a student in Year 7 with no formal disability diagnosis....
Anna, Extensive, Cognitive
Anna is a student in Year 2 with a diagnosis of an intellectual disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder....
Rachael, Supplementary, Social/emotional
Rachael is a student in Year 7 with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder....