Daniel, Substantial, Physical
Daniel is a Year 10 student with Duchenne muscular dystrophy....
Sam, Substantial, Physical
Sam is a 16-year-old boy with a diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy....
William, Extensive, Cognitive
William is a 16-year-old boy with a diagnosis of severe intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder....
Jane, Extensive, Physical
Jane is a 6-year-old girl with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy and severe intellectual disability....
James, Extensive, Cognitive
This video shows James, a Year 4 student who would be placed in the Extensive category for the NCCD. ...
Tristan, Extensive, Cognitive
Tristan is a 16-year-old boy with a diagnosis of intellectual disability with autism....
Zac, Extensive, Physical
Zac is a 6-year-old boy with cerebral palsy....
Andrew, Substantial, Social/emotional
Andrew is a Year 11 student who was diagnosed with major depression, generalised anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder....
Rosie, Extensive, Sensory
Rosie is a Year 10 student who is profoundly deaf....
Billy, not included in the NCCD
Billy is a Year 3 student working approximately two years behind grade level in most areas....