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St Joseph's School, Mildura - Student agency
The head of learning enhancement discusses the importance of communication with and input from students at the school to identify the best possible adjustments....
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- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role
Staff members discuss the tool that they have developed to help them with evidence collection for the NCCD process....
Horizon Christian School: Making judgements
A Co-ordinator and teacher discuss processes for making judgements about the levels of adjustment for the NCCD at their school, Horizon Christian School....
Horizon Christian School: Types of adjustment
School staff discuss the adjustments that they make for their students with disability to allow them to participate in education on the same basis as their peers....
Sir Joseph Banks High School: Adjustments
Ojani, Noela, Mirvat and Stamati talk about how adjustments have been made in the school to ensure all students have access to learning....
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- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role Parents, guardians and carers - click to view more resources and tools with this role
Al-Taqwa College: Parent involvement
Aisha, a mother, shares her experiences about working with the school to support her child’s learning....
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- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role Parents, guardians and carers - click to view more resources and tools with this role
Al-Taqwa College: Inclusive communication
Nazia, a Learning Support Teacher, talks about the importance of communication and about reassuring families that the NCCD information is de-identified....
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- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role Parents, guardians and carers - click to view more resources and tools with this role
The school team meet to discuss the judgements they have reached in regard to a student with an imputed disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. The team has collected a range of evidence to suppo...
- Phases Planning - click to view more resources and tools with this phase Implementation - click to view more resources and tools with this phase Validation - click to view more resources and tools with this phase Reflection - click to view more resources and tools with this phase
- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role
As part of a whole school moderation process, members of the school team at Bayswater Primary School meet to discuss the level of adjustment and the category of disability a particular student falls into. This meeting...
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- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role
Mirvat and Stamati talk about how the NCCD collection supports students with anaphylaxis and asthma....
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- Roles Principals and the school team - click to view more resources and tools with this role Teachers - click to view more resources and tools with this role Parents, guardians and carers - click to view more resources and tools with this role